Barbara hust

Barbara Hust (Bobbie) is the President of Hope Ministries Inc. She has lived in Kenoza Lake, NY for 52 years. She is mother to two grown children, Dan and Becky and is grandmother to three, Lizzy, Joey, and Bobby

For sixteen years Bobbie was faithful to prison ministry as she gave weekly piano lessons to the inmates. She felt blessed to be able to pray with and encourage them.

Currently, she Skype's the Walter Hoving Home in Garrison, NY, one day a week, where Bobbie counsels women dealing with all types of addiction.

Hope House Orphanage, School and Clinic are dear to her heart as she enjoys being the connection between Hope House children and their sponsors. On two occasions over the past eleven years, Bobbie has traveled to Zambia and has sent other board members to see the positive impact first hand. 

Sam and kasamba sikapizye

Samuel Sikapizye is a motivational speaker, life coach and minister of the gospel. He is a missionary to the United States. He firmly believes in the principle that it is more blessed to give than to receive. As much as Africa has been enlightened and blessed by missionaries from western countries, Samuel believes that now is the time for Africa to give back as missionaries. What started as a flicker of light in Samuel's heart 20 years ago, has now grown into an international ministry with global reach. He extensively ministers in the continents of north America and Africa by way of video, audio and printed material. He currently resides in California with his wife Kasambe and is a proud father to Niza and Raquel.

Rebekah failla

While Rebekah's permanent address is in New York state, she often travels the country with her family in an RV for her husband, Lou's, work. She is a stay at home mother of three children, Elizabeth, Joseph, and Robert. Rebekah has obtained an Associates degree in Commercial Photography, an Associates degree in Architectural Technology, and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Graphic Art. She has been freelancing in these fields for several years with many of these accomplishments being for Hope Ministries in Kenoza Lake, NY and Hope House Orphanage in Zambia, Africa.

Rebekah also has a love for animation. In 1999, she became involved with the animation company, Artie Romero Graphics, in Colorado Springs, CO. Rebekah also has a very big passion for children's books, storyboarding, script writing, song writing and fashion design. Along with being a loving, involved mother, in her "free" time she loves to draw, paint, crochet and use her hands. Her career goals are to use her creative vision on a large scale to inspire others and give hope to the world.

Mark and Cindy peters

gary dahlman

shirley blum

Shirley is the mother of three children, Holly, Timothy, and Harmony. The Lord has blessed her with two grandchildren, Destiny and Elijah, and three great-grandchildren, Eleanor, Rosella, and Josephine.

Shirley has on the board of Hope Ministries for over twelve years and traveled, with Barbara Hust, to Zambia in 2006 and 2007.

Pastor Charles and Margaret Mumba